Has anyone been able to make much loved Component 415 (or its 1-card-fewer sibling Component 416) not take up the full viewport height?
After some light testing, it’s confused some users a bit.
Oh no, just realized I’ve had Class Sync off for a while. Gulp.
Is there any way to retroactively clean up classes? 😕
Some nice announcements from Webflow today, but <i>still</i> no concurrent editing. I know it’s not the same, but how many years since Figma did it? Google Docs before that? And so on?
Any consideration on the Relume side to some sort of integration with Webflow’s Page Builder functionality? Those modules seem like a few clicks away from being the Relume library (styled with the project’s styleguide).
I found myself bragging about Relume among a pile of my fave tools, almost all of which have referral links (I realized this after making my little list). Does Relume have a referral/affiliate program?
(50-page limit) It bums me out literally every time I use the site map import, especially since I don’t have any control over <i>which</i> 50 pages get imported. So I always worry I went down and grabbed 48 old blog posts or all the legal pages or something—who knows?
Is there a general set of instructions for adding (or removing) items from components that have lists of things with interactions set up? E.g. Layout 415
Or specific instructions/documentation available somewhere per layout? I’m always fumbling through figuring out the classes and interactions that make it go.