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Updated 10 months ago

Why Is The Hero Element Not Wrapping?

At a glance

Having some text in FAQ doropdowns not wrap for me as well when switching screensize if theyve been opened. even with freshly pasted relume components. Can't imagine it being a relume thing though? Only noticed as of today

send read-only I'll take a look for you

swapping it out seemed to work, not sure where the setting difference was. but thanks anyway!

did you get this one resolved? It seems to be wrapping to me.

after 3 hours of looking the guy I'm working for got it figured, was something to do with the slider ! Weird things happen when you copy stuff over sometimes

hmm okay - yeah I guess in order for us to know what to fix we'd have to reproduce or see the issue - if it happens again, record a loom or something - no audio - so we can see it in an interactive way. Thanks!

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