hey guys, any obvious reason why this hero element is not wrapping? https://preview.webflow.com/preview/summize-rebrand-d64a37?utm_medium=preview_link&utm[…]237f0e3b15&pageId=65fb0797ea0c6b1909b5efc4&workflow=preview
Having some text in FAQ doropdowns not wrap for me as well when switching screensize if theyve been opened. even with freshly pasted relume components. Can't imagine it being a relume thing though? Only noticed as of today
Thanks! the values/beliefs are the problem.
if you open 1 on desktop, shrink to tablet, it doesnt wrap
swapping it out seemed to work, not sure where the setting difference was. but thanks anyway!
after 3 hours of looking the guy I'm working for got it figured, was something to do with the slider ! Weird things happen when you copy stuff over sometimes
hmm okay - yeah I guess in order for us to know what to fix we'd have to reproduce or see the issue - if it happens again, record a loom or something - no audio - so we can see it in an interactive way. Thanks!