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Updated 11 months ago

Can a client invite a freelancer to design a site on their Webflow Basic plan?

At a glance

The post and comments discuss the process of building a Webflow site for a client and managing the workspace and site plans. Key points: - If the designer has a Freelancer or Agency Webflow workspace, the client can have a free workspace and the designer can be invited as a guest without additional cost. - The designer can create the workspace for the client using their own email, then instruct the client to change the email and password. - The designer can build the site in their own account, then transfer it to the client's workspace. - There are limits on the number of free sites a client can have on a free workspace plan (2 projects). - The process of transferring a site and site plan between workspaces is not always straightforward, and the Webflow UI could be clearer on these steps.

To clarify, if I build a webflow site and transfer to a client then can the client invite me as a guest to design the site in their account if they have a Basic site plan?

I just need a Freelancer plan at minimum, correct?

Thanks team!


if you have a freelancer or agency webflow workspace account, your client can have a free webflow workspace account and invite you as a guest without charging them any money for that. They would just be paying for the basic site plan (site hosting).

I would typically set this up myself for my client ahead of time and invite myself - so that way I can test it out. I would encourage you to do the same for testing before even trying it out with your client.

Just create a new webflow account - either with an alternate email that you have or just by simply doing like and then inviting yourself to that workspace to see how the process works. But it does require YOU to have either a freelancer or agency workspace plan (see screenshot).

Thanks Matt.

Once I have followed your steps, do I then invite client to their own workspace?
Or transfer it?

I get lost with workspaces and site plans!
Do you get a workspace by default with a site plan?

Thx so much!

so when I create the workspace for them, I use my own email and then just instruct them to change the email once I give them the email and password directly to the workspace.

For sites, you can build it in your own account - create their workspace and make sure its set up - then transfer the site over - and you can do all of this before your client even has access to the workspace. And then do the same thing again - just give them your setup email and the password and tell them to change the email and password - and if they want you to help with changes - to keep you as a guest.

I usually do something like matt+clientname@ or whatever for the workspace email.

if this is not making any sense I can take another stab at explaining it when I've had more sleep! 🀣

Makes sense. Excellent info thanks Matt.

I assume the set up in their account is just creating a site and building and inviting you and connecting their domain when they are ready. Is that about right?

This is so helpful!

yeah those sound like the main steps with a lot of micro steps in between, but thats the gist for sure. If you have any worries as you are stepping through this for the first time just send me a DM, happy to help! πŸ’ͺ

My client has signed up for a site plan already

If I want to build his site using the site he has already created, can I just copy and paste all the relume starter file content and go from there? Was originally going to transfer site but client signed up already.

Or can I still transfer a site to his workspace?

You can transfer a site plan from one project to another within the same workspace without support or hassle. Is there anything in the active site that you need or?

Oh wow you can't design on multiple sites at once 😒

I see I see
workspaces have sites
sites have plans (or they can't be hosted)

His workspace has one site that is not needed

I can transfer a site from my workspace to his and then transfer the site plan to the new site?

Also I have designer open for several sites open at the same time.

Hmmm, I got "you are designing another site" msg 🀷
Transferring now...

Can I move site plan to new site or does client do?

You’d have to be a workspace admin to transfer site plans.

If you had the same site open in multiple tabs - that's a different story for sure.

Legend, I'm going to turn this into a guide for others. It is simple to understand but isn't always obvious how to do these steps in the webflow UI and Webflow uni has tons of text but not many images, e.g. which one is the transfer button?

This makes it really clear, thank you

Is there a limit to how many sites a client can have if they have a site plan and associated workspace?

Current = workspace with site plan and I want to transfer a second site to client so they can transfer their site plan to the new site. Will their workspace allow this?

yeah for sure - so on a free workspace plan they can have up to free sites hosted at (or two projects, basically)

...they can have up to ___ free sites?

oops haha 2 free sites

very important piece of information there huh?

Perfect thanks. Webflow does not make any of this clear in their UI.
Like where is a usage UI element to,show I have used 1 of 2 sites or whatever?

I have not been in a free workspace in a while...I think they moved some stuff around recently too

Fair point. Their transfer site icon is a user with a reversed return symbol. Maybe 🚚 or ↔

Or ➑ πŸ‘€

Thank goodness people like you know and share answers!

Appreciate your help brother

Yeah thats wild - such a good point

K transferred site to client workspace. Client had already signed up for a site plan on their own site.
So current status is:

  1. blank site with site plan paid for 1 year
  2. Site I built and transferred in

Site 1 with hosting plan has transfer plan button disabled. Because I'm not an admin right?

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