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Updated last month

Trukfoo: A Foodtruck Marketplace Project

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The post is from a community member named Jerome Patrick, a navy veteran living near Washington DC, who is working on a food truck marketplace project called Trukfoo. He is hoping that Relume can assist him with the Webflow side of the project. The comments from other community members express gratitude for his service, wish him success, and look forward to hearing his success story.

Hello Everyone, my name is Jerome Patrick, navy veteran living outside the washington dc area. Working on a foodtruck marketplace project I call Trukfoo. Hoping that Relume can assist me in the webflow side of the house of my project. feel free to drop me a line sometime. I wish you all the best with your projects!


Thank you for your service and success in your business

Can't wait to hear your success story πŸ‘πŸ‘

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