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Angelo Keirsebilck
Angelo Keirsebilck
Offline, last seen 4 months ago
Joined November 6, 2024

If you change the base HTML font size, all spacings, font-sizes that uses rem will scale up

Relume has a Webflow library, with Webflow components. But they are building all the components also as React components. It has nothing to do with Webflow. Just for people who want to use the library inside React applications.

Anyone here with experience with the designer ext API? I've fetched all the form elements on the current page with getAllElements() but no I want to print all the names of the form in the designer extension. But as far as I can see there is no method or property whatsoever to get attributes of the html element. (like )

You only have .getCustomAttribute() but that fetches only the custom attributes set in the designer, not the ones Webflow has set.

Anyone got an idea?


It won't automatically change based on the pages but you can still change to copy of the menu items.

I had the same question in my mind yesterday! Would love to know the answer. Plus an add-on to that question, can yo add projects that are transfered to a clients workspace as a 'showcase' site? on the experts page?

Rename them with Finsweet Folders

just add the shadow to the bubble chat-bubbles class


that way the content will be on top of the images and be clickable again

Button issue: set a z-index: -1 on the layout425_images-wrapper classes on the mobile breakpoint

What do people use to track leads/cold e-mail? any good notion templates?


Hi all,

Got a question on how to integrate webflow CMS in a certain component.

I'm using layout 349 but as you can see in image the images and content that change are in different divs (image). So can't really wrap them inside a collection list. Also the animations are triggered on a combo class e.g. layout349_image image 1, layout349_image image 2 etc, Can we use some sort off :nth selector in Webflow?

Any pointers off how to change this component to be able to connect it to a CMS collection? Custom code is an option (5y exp as front-end dev). Thanks in advance!

Not 100% sure, as I just started using webflow/relume one week ago but as far as I know this is fixed if you install the chrome extension and check 'Sync Class' ?

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