hey all, looking for some design advice.
My client wants the language switcher to be more prominent on mobile than in the bottom right corner (where I have proposed it. how do I make it obvious without getting too much in the way of other content. I have a transparent nav bar.
any elegant solutions people like?
Hey Lukas! Maybe something like this (“chat with us”)? It’s sticky as you scroll, so always in view!
I like it, I'll give it a shot. didn't think about changing the text direction. thanks 🙏
Client’s happy. I’m not thrilled. its a lot more clunky than what i had, but oh well :D
Hello , I need your help with creating a transparent navigation bar. Currently, my navigation bar looks like this (image 1) even when I set the opacity to 0%. However, when I change the position to 'fixed', it looks like this (image 2), but then the navbar remains visible as I scroll down the page. Could you please advise me on how to fix this?"