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Updated 12 months ago

Another gpt experiment: a take on the image to alt texts

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Another GPT experiment: A take on the image to Alt Texts.
Start the 'conversation' by simply uploading the image, and provide context later if needed. Feel free to share feedback if anyone finds this helpful and has suggestions for improvements or examples of poor outputs. Considering expanding with more info on different types of images like icons, logos, graphs, exceptions, etc. Maybe some sort of 'decision tree.' At the same time, part of the 'quality' with GPTs is the immediate response for getting the rough work done and guidance, not necessarily being a complete process for a 'correct' answer.
Hope this is useful for some of you.


Marketers/content strategists/copywriters would love this... most aren't great at alt text

Did you have SEOs vet the results?

The instructions are based on WCAG recommendations and theory. It does not do any magic SEO, but you could add "SEO Keywords: Word1, word2, word3" when prompted by additional information. I guess there are GPTs suggesting keywords, but I think this is out of scope for this GPT, as it is purely for getting some inspiration and a 'quick fix'. [It seems to not include keywords in the non-contectual Alt texts all the time, maybe something I'll try to improve].

Super cool. I can see myself using this to train writers. Thanks,

That is amazing to hear Lia. I did some updates yesterday to make it more robust. Please send me a DM if you have furter suggestions or feedback. I'd love to try to make it even better.

That is so awesome to hear. I really think you have something here. If you'd like, I'd be happy to share it in my marketing Slacks and circles. Let me know,

Please share. I'd love to get some feedback from people actually working with this and possibly make it even better.

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